IPAC First Look  
               Version 2.0 (RELEASE)   April 5, 1996
	       Infrared Processing and Analysis Center
	              Jet Propulsion Laboratory
		California Institute of Technology

The release of the IPAC "First Look" (FL) tools for ISO data is available at
IRA on the computer. 

[ Remembar that this work-station is not compatible with linux and Alpha, and
you must "telnet kalgan" to work on your data in /home directory. ]

To start the software you can use the commands:

              flcam   flpht   flsat   flslws  flsum

Documentation is available in the directory /ext/FL_2.0E/doc

The programs are intended to conform to ISO data formats of and
were tested using ISO Pipeline data generated by "OLP_242" - being
processed/created after January 1996.

Information and updates to the First Look tools are available from