OBSERVE: VLA Observe program generates VLA observe files read by the on-line
         ModComp computers for observing with the VLA.

The OBSERVE tasks are available at I.R.A. on the alpha axp workstations
and on the PC with Linux OS.

To work with OBSERVE tasks a personal username on Alpha or Linux WS is required.

To use the keypad on a DEC alpha workstation with observe you need to install
the keypad mapping and use xterm instead of dtterm:

1. Edit your .Xdefaults file and add the appropriate Xdefaults-keymap
   file, which is indicated below.

   DEC alpha use: /soft/astro/observe/Xdefaults-keymap.alpha
   linux - you'll need to use one of the keypad alternates all though
           some keys will work.

2. Give the command: xrdb -merge .Xdefaults

3. start a NEW xterm (very important that you use a new xterm as the
   keypad mapping will only be visible to new xterms and not existing
4. Run observe in the NEW xterm window.  They keypad should be enabled
   now and let you navigate through observe.
5. Press the toggle key F5 to enable the keypad mapping.
   Pressing the toggle key a second time disables the keypad mapping.
6. If, for some reason, the default xterm does not display correctly
   the observe window use the command oterm instead of observe.
   The command oterm opens an xterm with a black background and starts
   the program observe.

Two alternates to the keypad exists, the first uses # where # is
0-9 and corresponds to the number on the keypad.  The second uses an
emacs like set of commands:
    ^D - Keypad period
    ^E - Keypad 1
    ^N - Keypad 2
    ^V - Keypad 3
    ^B - Keypad 4
    ^S - Keypad 5
    ^F - Keypad 6
    ^A - Keypad 7
    ^P - Keypad 8
v - Keypad 9
i - Keypad 0

Contact Person:

        F.Tinarelli    tinarelli@ira.inaf.it