The details of recent difmap changes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This file contains a compilation of the mail messages that I send to users whenever the local version of difmap is updated. Each message describes significant changes that were made. The file is ordered such that the most recent messages appear first, and the oldest messages appear last. Martin Shepherd ( ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.3 released. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 7 Jul 97 Subject: The general release of Difmap 2.3 Although little has changed since the last release, a new release is being made because until now Difmap rejected orbital VLBI observations. Changes in this release include: Previously, if orbital stations were discovered in a UV fits file, then Difmap would reject the file. Now that the usage of orbital parameters has been settled, I have removed the rejection code and replaced it with code that records the orbital parameters for subsequent inclusion in output UV FITS files. I have also modified the 'header' command to display the contents of the orbital parameters array. I have now modified difmap to preserve the values of the OBSRA and OBSDEC keywords, read from input UV FITS files, for inclusion in output UV FITS files. This makes it possible for users to make maps in Difmap for subsequent mosaicing in AIPS. Previously these keywords were omitted from output files. While testing this I discovered that AIPS LTESS assumes that the third axis of any map FITS file is always frequency, whereas Difmap was placing the stokes axis there, so I have modified Difmap to write map files that are compatible with LTESS. Maplot now caters for maps with negative peaks. Previously the reported peak was the maximum value in the map. Now it is the largest of the minimum and maximum values. This potentially effects both the reported peak and the percentage contour levels. This was needed for SZ observations. Difmap now has a 'pgend' command for closing the current plot device without having to open another one. The 'mapcolor' command now uses modified interpretations of its brightness and contrast arguments. Interactive manipulation of the color pallet should, however, appear little changed. I have added trailing, optional 'npage' arguments to the vplot, cpplot and specplot commands. This argument can be used to limit the number of pages that are plotted to non-interactive devices. Radplot, projplot and vplot now have optional min and max phase arguments for constraining the range of phases to be displayed on non-interactive devices. Bugs fixed in this release include: The most worrying bug was in the FFT algorithm. The center column of the FFT was being set to half its correct value. Fortunately, this column was where zero-padding of the outer part of the array starts. Unfortunately the code that checks whether the user's chosen cell size and map size would cause UV data to fall into the zero-padding zone, was 4 pixels too lenient. Since it isn't common for significant amounts of flux to fall into the outermost edge of the allowed UV plane, I doubt that the problem has had much effect, and most observations won't have been effected at all. While trying hard to excercise the bug, the worst difference that I managed to introduce was a 0.1% difference in the peak flux of an observation. Otherwise, the maps looked identical. Another bug was exposed when reading Hat Creek UV FITS files. If an input UV FITS file had CRPIXn before CTYPEn then Difmap would crash, due to a missing break statement. The same bug (cut and paste strikes again) occured with the PTYPEn and PSCALn keywords. Finally, if integrations from different sub-arrays were interleaved, Difmap would crash due to a bug in a sorting algorithm. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.2c released. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 19 May 96 Subject: The general release of Difmap 2.2c Difmap development has been on hold for the past year due to budgetary constraints. I had intended to add more spectral-line facilities such as map cubes before releasing the latest version of Difmap, but since this won't happen for some time, I have decided to release the latest version anyway. The only recent significant changes have been the inclusion of support for Linux (i486), the re-implementation of the uvzero command to take a visibility weight argument, and the addition of the 'mapvalue' function that returns the value of the pixel nearest to a given map position. External users should read the next two messages to see what has changed since the last general release (version 2.1). Date: Wed, 26 Apr 95 Subject: Improved multi-IF handling. The latest version of Difmap handles multi-IF observations in a more versatile fashion than before. In particular, it is now possible to selectively include and exclude IFs from processing, and to select different spectral-line channels from different IFs. In the process of doing this, I have discarded the previously documented notion of a "current IF", along with the 'getif' command that went with it. Instead, plot commands that only show one IF at a time, now have an extra optional command-line argument to specify the start IF, along with new '[' and ']' keys which mean "show the next IF" and "show the previous IF". I have also changed the default editing scope in the various plot commands. By default, edits now apply to all channels in all IFs. Previously the default was to apply edits just to the selected channels of the current IF. To support the new IF-specific channel selections, the 'select' command has been modified to interpret channel ranges differently from before. Whereas previously, the range of channels available was given by the number of channels per IF, now the range of channels is given by the total number of channels in all IFs, and channel numbers are now mapped seamlessly across IF boundaries. This is backwards compatible for single-IF data-sets, so many users will not have to make any changes to accommodate the new semantics. The new semantics are described more fully in various help files, including the spectral_line and multi_if help topics, but the following examples illustrate some of the differences. 1. SPECTRAL-LINE EXAMPLES Suppose that one has a 2 IF data-set with 64 channels per IF. Under the new rules, there are 128 separate channels, 64 belonging to the first IF and 64 to the second. The 'observe' command reports the following description of the IFs. There are 2 IFs, and a total of 128 channels: IF Channel Frequency Freq offset Number of Overall IF origin at origin per channel channels bandwidth ------------------------------------------------------------- (Hz) 01 1 1.53575e+10 125000 64 8e+06 02 65 1.53655e+10 125000 64 8e+06 The "Channel origin" column reports the channel number assigned to the first channel of each IF. So in this case, channels 1-64 refer to channels in IF 1, and channels 65-128 refer to channels in IF 2. This enumeration scheme is purely for specification purposes, and does not say that neighboring IFs need to be contiguous in frequency, or even that they be from the same sideband. In cases such as the above example, where the channels at the end of one IF happen to be contiguous with those at the start of the next IF, one can exploit the new scheme to select ranges that cross IF boundaries like: 0>select i,63,67 Selecting polarization: I, channels: 63..67 Reading IF 1 channels: 63..64 Reading IF 2 channels: 65..67 0> However, if the example were changed such that the two IFs were interchanged, then to achieve the same effect as above, one would have to explicitly select two separate channel ranges, as follows: 0>select i, 1, 3, 127, 128 Selecting polarization: I, channels: 1..3 127..128 Reading IF 1 channels: 1..3 Reading IF 2 channels: 127..128 0> 2. CONTINUUM OBSERVATION EXAMPLES For continuum observations and other observations that have only 1 channel per IF, the channel indexes of the select command are equivalent to IF indexes. For example, consider the observe command output for a 4 IF data-set: There are 4 IFs, and a total of 4 channels: IF Channel Frequency Freq offset Number of Overall IF origin at origin per channel channels bandwidth ------------------------------------------------------------- (Hz) 01 1 4.97799e+09 2e+06 1 2e+06 02 2 4.97999e+09 2e+06 1 2e+06 03 3 4.98199e+09 2e+06 1 2e+06 04 4 4.98399e+09 2e+06 1 2e+06 To select all IFs, one would have to ask for channels 1 through 4. This is the default, if no channel ranges are explicitly specified. Alternatively if one wanted to omit IF 3 from processing, one would type: 0>select I, 1,2,4,4 Selecting polarization: I, channels: 1..2 4..4 Reading IF 1 channels: 1..1 Reading IF 2 channels: 2..2 Reading IF 3 channels: (none) Reading IF 4 channels: 4..4 IF 3 would then be regarded as unsampled, and would not be processed, except to optionally apply edits to all channels of all IFs. 3. OTHER CHANGES All plot commands that are capable of plotting multiple plots per page, take an argument to specify the number of plots per page. All but cpplot and specplot had this as the first argument. In the interest of consistency, I have moved the 'nplot' argument of the cpplot command from its position as the second argument, to its new position as the first argument. Similarly, I have moved the 'nplot' argument of the 'specopt' command to be the first argument of the 'specplot' command. If you object to either of these changes, please tell me before others have a chance to get used to them. 4. BUG FIXES I also have to report a few bugs that I noticed while making the above changes. 1. resoff This command was only being applied to the "current IF". This was more of a feature than a bug, but it wasn't documented, so I'm calling it a bug. I have now changed resoff to operate sequentially on all sampled IFs. 2. clroff This command had a more serious bug. It only cleared the resoff corrections of the first baseline of each IF. I have corrected this. 3. modelfit This is the most serious bug. In multi-IF data-sets, Modelfit incorrectly substituted the last IF for the first IF, so the first IF was not processed, and the last IF was processed twice. This was equivalent to giving the first IF no weight and doubling the weights of the last IF. I have corrected this behavior. Date: Wed, 12 Apr 95 Subject: New Difmap 'specplot' command. I have just released a new version of Difmap that contains a new spectral line command called specplot. The new command is analogous to the POSSM command in AIPS, but I hope that it is easier to use. Specplot has so many options that it has required the creation of 7 other new commands to allow the options to be modified. However, the default options are reasonable, and one can change them interactively in specplot, so it is usually ok to simply start specplot without having run any of the other commands. Note that all changes to the defaults that are made interactively or through the setup commands, are remembered between specplot sessions. By default, if one hasn't run any of the setup commands, specplot plots 3 spectra per page. Each spectrum represents a different baseline. Alternatively, separate spectra can be plotted for multiple groups of baselines, UV radius ranges, polarizations, time ranges or scans. Thus one can look at the spectrum of a given baseline or group of baselines as a function of UV radius, time or polarization. Similarly one can look at the spectrum of a given polarization versus baseline, UV radius etc... A summary of the main features is: 1. Multiple IFs are plotted side-by-side. 2. Different spectra can be plotted for different UV ranges, different times, different groups of baselines, and different polarizations. 3. Spectra can be smoothed to reach different spectral resolutions. Smoothing widths can be specified in terms of frequency or spectral line channels. 4. The X-axis units can be channel numbers or frequency (GHz). I hope to add one or more velocity options later. At the moment I can't because AIPS doesn't appear to specify how one can record velocity information for multiple IFs in a single source UV FITS file. 5. Spectra can be plotted as amplitude and/or phase. 6. Visibility averaging can be vector or scalar. 7. Spectra can be plotted as isolated points, staircase-like joined channel bins or as a continuous lines joining the centers of adjacent channels. 8. Error bars can be plotted for each point. These take account of smoothing. 9. Time scans can be specified either as repeat intervals or as time ranges that are separated by at least a given gap. 10.Specplot is independent of the current 'select' command selection and can be run before ever using the 'select' command. The only minor exception to this claim is that if you haven't explicitly specified the polarization(s) to be plotted, specplot will use the current stream selection polarization if available. For further details start Difmap and type: help specplot ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.1 released. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 14 Feb 95 Subject: Difmap telescope specification rationalization. In preparation to writing a spectrum plotting command, I have just completed an overhaul of the way sub-array, telescope, baseline and closure triangles are taken from the user and interpretted. In the process, I have changed a few other things. On the whole you should notice little change, except to cpplot and to the non-interactive behavior of plotting commands: Major differences: 1. I have written a help topic called antenna_names that describes the syntax of sub-array, antenna, baseline, and closure triangle specifications and how they are now interpretted. Type: 0> help antenna_names to read it. 2. All telescope specification strings, as before, have the following form: sub-array-index:antenna_1 antenna_2 .... Trailing components can be omitted. The omitted components are treated essentially as wild-cards, as described in the antenna_names help topic. Non-interactive commands (including plot commands, when plotting to non-interactive devices) now process all such matches to a specification. Thus to print out a plot of visibilities of all baselines of HSTK in sub-array 2, one can now type: dev /ps vplot 0, 2:hstk Previously, this specification meant start plotting baselines from the first baseline of antenna 2:hstk, and don't stop until all baselines of all telescopes that follow 2:hstk have been plotted. This was rarely appropriate for hardcopy output. Similarly, one can now get a print out of just the baselines of a single sub-array, say sub-array 1, by typing: dev /ps vplot 0, 1 I have extended the same capabilities to all other plot commands, including cpplot, as well as to non-plotting commands such as 'selfant' and 'resoff'. 3. I have added an option to vplot to order baselines such that if all telescopes are viewed one after the other, each baseline is only seen once. This is done by arranging that for a given telescope it only shows baselines in which the other telescope appears later in the list of telescopes than the reference telescope. The new option can be toggled on and off with the 'o' key. It is not the default because it is still preferable to see all baselines of each telescope so as to be able to identify station based problems. I have added the same option to cpplot. 4. It is no longer mandatory to specify a reference telescope, baseline or triangle argument to the cpplot command. In its absence, cpplot now defaults to station based plotting of closure triangles, starting with the first telescope of the observation. cpplot also no longer restricts the 'n' and 'p' keys to displaying triangles that match the last explicitly specified reference telescope, baseline or triangle. They now also allow one to step to the next or previous reference aggregate of the same type. I have also added the capital 'N' and 'P' keys to allow skipping to the next or previous sub-array - as in other plot commands. 5. I have added a 'T' key to tplot, mainly for consistency with other plot commands. This allows the selection of a new sub-array to view via the keyboard. 6. uvplot, radplot and projplot now interpret an empty telescope specification as meaning turn off telescope highlighting. This was already the case for the command-line telescope name argument, but is now also recognized when the 'T' key is used. Thus to turn off highlighting, press 't' and then at the command line, press return. Other changes and bug fixes since the last report: 1. I have added an SZ model component type for John Carlstrom. This only copes with the case where Beta is 2/3. 2. I had deemed negative flux model components as being unphysical, and rejected them during model fitting. This turned out to be a bad assumption when presented with model fitting of SZ absorption data! 3. When mapplot displays residual maps on hard-copy devices, it now also plots CLEAN windows. CLEAN windows are still not plotted on clean maps. 4. Before Christmas Greg noticed that U and V, when derived from the parallel and cross hands of circular polarization, did not look right. I had got the equation for deriving them wrong. Clearly nobody had tried mapping such data - at least I hope that they hadn't. Greg also noticed that when imported into AIPS, all Difmap images were assigned the class .ICLN, regardless of their actual polarization. Difmap now assigns a class derived by prepending the polarization name to "CLN" or "MAP" depending on whether the map is a clean map or a residual map. This results in the normal AIPS QCLN, ICLN etc.. extensions, but also in extensions such as LLCLN, which AIPS has no equivalent for. 5. Dhiraj noticed that exactly matching telescope names were reported as ambiguous if another telescope had that telescope name as a prefix. This has been fixed. 6. Nobody told me that the title of corplot has for a long time been: "Baselines to ". Argh. Cut and paste strikes again. I have changed this to the more appropriate: "Calibration corrections to " Date: Mon, 31 Oct 94 18:42:41 PST Subject: Selfcal correction flags. I have just completed an overhaul of selfcal flagging. There are now two types of flags in difmap - normal visibility flags and selfcal-correction flags. Most commands do not distiguish between them, and take any form of flagging to mean "ignore this visibility". Exceptions are the plotting commands (which display correction-flagged visibilities in blue), and the 'selfcal', 'uncalib' and 'corplot' commands. Rather than applying flags directly to the data, selfcal now records correction flags as part of each solution. These flags are applied to individual visibilities wherever selfcal calibrations are applied. They are effectively separate from normal visibility flags and can be removed or applied without affecting normal visibility flags. The 'uncalib' command now has a new optional third argument to specify whether to remove all selfcal correction flags. This allows one to completely undo the effects of self calibration. Previously, flags applied by selfcal were identical to normal visibility flags, so there was no convenient way to undo flagging performed by selfcal. I have also changed corplot such that the left-mouse-button, or keyboard key 'A' toggles the flag status of the selected correction without touching the associated amplitude and phase corrections. Similarly, the middle-mouse-button, or keyboard key 'D', resets the correction of the selected solution without touching the correction flag. Note that self-calibration flags are frozen into the data as normal visibility flags whenever 'uvaver' is invoked and also in output UV FITS files, saved with the 'wobs' command. I have also written a general help topic on editing. To see this type: help editing Date: Mon, 24 Oct 94 22:53:29 PDT Subject: Select no longer automatic for multi-channel data. 1. After reading a UV FITS file, the 'observe' command has until now quietly called the 'select' command, selecting spectral-line channel 1, and either stokes-I if available, or the first stokes parameter listed. This represented a significant overhead for large data-sets, if the automatic selection did not match what was actually desired. So the observe command will henceforth only automatically call the 'select' command for single polarization, continuum data-sets. For spectral-line and multi-polarization data-sets, you should use the 'select' command explicitly before the selection is first needed. Difmap will inform you to do this if you forget. Note that invoking the 'select' command with no arguments after using the 'observe' command will install the old default selection. 2. I have also modified the help system. Up until now, typing 'help difmap' meant that difmap had to go and read the first couple of lines of every difmap specific help file to gather the one-line descriptions of each command and function. Needless to say, this was not very fast. Similarly the 'apropos' command was even slower since it had to open every help file. I have now re-organized the help system to use index files to considerably speed this process up. I have also re-organized the order in which topics are presented and, in the apropos command output, I now show the located functions, commands and help topics, grouped into the modules that they came from. I have also started adding general help topics for difmap. There is now a brief intro to the rudimentary spectral-line facilities in difmap, and an incomplete topic on the role of models in difmap. I will add others as I get time. Comments and suggestions are welcome. Date: Fri, 14 Oct 94 01:00:34 PDT Subject: Difmap changes What follows is a description of difmap changes that I have installed in the last two days. I will outline the following changes: 1. More changes to the /xwindow driver, including the addition of a new persistent version to provide a faster, more convenient, and fully featured alternative to the /xdisp (pgdisp) driver. 2. More new interactive cursor features in all difmap plot commands. 3. Changes in the command-line semantics of many difmap commands, with an emphasis on making it easier to find out what the current difmap parameter settings are. 4. Miscellaneous other changes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Changes to the /xwindow driver and the addition of /xserve. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- As you may have noticed, the /xwin driver has changed again. It now runs a PGPLOT window server so that multiple persistent windows can be opened. Unlike /xdisp, there is no need to start the server by hand. There are now two names to select the same driver: /xwindow to open a window that goes away when a new device is opened, and another, called /xserve, that opens a window that remains displayed to be reused by the next PGPLOT program that wants an X-window. The latter is a fast alternative to the /xdisp (pgdisp) driver, and has all the new features that /xwindow has. It is also possible to keep two or more windows displayed at once and select one or other of them as convenient, using the difmap device command. Along with the new driver comes a few X resources. To specify the initial size and position of the windows, use the pgxwin.geometry resource, eg: pgxwin.geometry: 500x500+600+33 To have /xserve windows automatically iconized and de-iconized as PGPLOT programs open and close them, use: pgxwin.iconize: True To specify 100 colors as the default number that is allocated per window, use: pgxwin.maxColors: 100 To specify that the active PGPLOT cursor be augmented with a cross-hair that extends across the height and width of the window, use: pgxwin.crosshair: True ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. New cursor options in difmap plotting commands. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- In the new driver I have added options to select vertical and horizontal hair-line cursors, as well as a cross-hair cursor. The hair-line cursors are now used whenever X-axis or Y-axis ranges are selected. They are exploited to dynamically show the bounds of the ranges as they are being selected. In addition, the cross-hair cursor can be toggled on and off with the '+' key. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Changes to the command-line semantics of core difmap commands. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A number of people have asked me to make it possible to examine difmap configuration parameters. For instance, other than using the 'save' command to create a .par file, there has up until now been no way to determine what, if any, uv-taper is in effect at any given time. Newer difmap setup commands all report their current settings when provided with no arguments. I decided today to try to make as many of the older commands act in the same manner. The following commands now display the settings that they are responsible for, when invoked with no arguments: mapsize, uvtaper, uvrange, uvweight, uvzero, shift, selftaper, selflims, xyrange, selfflag, wtscal, scangap, mapunit, mapcolor, mapfunc, selfant. Three of these commands now treat the lack of one or more optional trailing command-line arguments differently than before. Previously they substituted default values for omitted arguments. This had the effect of overwriting previous selections. Now the parameters set by the omitted arguments, are left untouched. The commands involved are: uvweight, selflims and selfflag. The most significant is obviously the 'uvweight' command. For example, omitting all the arguments of this command previously resulted in all weighting being turned off. Now, instead this results in a display of the existing settings, without changing any of them. I have also added a new command called 'showpar'. This command shows the statements that the 'save' command would place in a .par file if invoked to record the current difmap parameter settings. This can be used to get an overview of all settings. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Other changes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I had not realized that the settings specified with the 'scangap' command were not getting saved in the parameter file written by the 'save' command. I have rectified this, although I doubt that anyone has every even used the 'scangap' command. The 'wmap', 'wbeam' and 'wdmap' commands now add an AIPS IMCLASS history line to output FITS files, for AIPS to use in constructing its internal catalogue names. The AIPS ICLN extension is set for clean maps, IMAP for residual and dirty maps, and IBEAM for beam maps. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- As always, I have updated the help files to reflect the changes. Date: Fri, 9 Sep 94 23:40:21 PDT Subject: More significant changes in difmap I decided to report other changes to difmap [as opposed to the /xw driver] in a separate E-mail. These include: Continuum subtraction: For those who haven't already found out, difmap can now handle continuum subtraction. This has been in difmap for a few weeks, but I forgot to tell those who would find it most useful! setcont - New command. This command adds the current tentative and established models to the continuum model. There are also significant changes to other commands, notably 'wmodel','rmodel', 'clrmod', 'save' and 'get' to handle continuum models. If you are interested in trying these features, I suggest that you read 'help setcont'. Difmap does continuum model subtraction in a more versatile manner than AIPS, taking advantage of difference mapping techniques. It is important that you understand the differences before you try it. Other changes: maplot - New cursor key options include: f - Fiddle the colormap contrast and brightness. Holding the key down while you move the cursor changes the colormap contrast and brightness. Doing this with the cursor in the bottom left quadrant of the plot area generally yields the the most acceptible results. F - Reset the colormap contrast and brightness to 1, 0.5. c - Install the default pseudo-color color map. C - Install a color map named at the keyboard. T - Re-display with a different transfer function. L - Re-display the plot. mapcolor - This command changes the colormap, brightness and contrast to subsequently be used in mapplot. mapfunc - This command changes the transfer function (linear,log,sqrt) to be used in mapplot, as well as the range of fluxes to be displayed. The latter feature supersedes the use of variables, gmin and gmax. radplot - I have removed the radplot "IF-editing" option, previously toggled with the 'I' key. I have removed it since it wasn't useful in radplot and didn't do what most people thought that it did. By default, edits in radplot are applied to all data points in the region selected with the cursor. This results in multiple IFs being edited if the selected points come from multiple IFs. What the 'I' option did was to also apply edits to the same integration, baseline and sub-array as each edited point but not just in the IF of the edited point, but in all IFs. This resulted in points that were not explicity selected with the cursor being edited. I can't think of any good use for this, so I have removed it. I originally put it in for consistence with the other plotting commands, where it can be useful. projplot - Removal of the 'I' option as described for radplot above. rmodel - Non-delta model components with major axis extents of 0.0 are now converted into delta functions. peak() - Minimum-match versions of the keyword arguments used to uvstat() select different items in these functions are now acceptable. imstat() It is no longer necessary to type them out in full. Bug fixes: cpplot - Editing with the cursor was not always selecting the expected points. Noticed by gbt. select - When two stokes parameters were added together to form a given polarization (eg. I=(RR+LL)/2), the weights on the resulting visibilities were 16 times too small. The resulting maps were unaffected, but the goodness of fit in selfcal and modelfit appeared 4 times better than it should have been. Fortunately few people have used this mode of operation. Noticed by ddt. Date: Fri, 9 Sep 94 23:39:18 PDT Subject: Changes in the PGPLOT /xw driver used by difmap As many of you already know, I have spent the last few weeks re-writing the PGPLOT /xw driver in collaboration with Tim, who has added support in PGPLOT for the new facilities in the /xw driver, added a new routine that allows one to plot images with a given transfer function, (without first plotting them in grey-scale), and added full color capabilities to the postscript driver to take advantage of this. The version of difmap that I have just placed in ~mcs/new/difmap exploits these features, but to use most of them you will need to use the /xw device - not pgdisp. 0>device /xw All the plotting commands in difmap now make use of the new rubber-band cursor facilities in the /xw driver. In particular, cut boxes are represented by a red rectangle that expands as the cursor is moved, restore boxes by a green box, zoom boxes by a light blue box and mapplot windows by green boxes. With the addition of cached colormap updates in the /xw driver, I have also added interactive manipulation of the colormap in mapplot, and two new commands, mapcolor and mapfunc. I will describe these in the following E-mail. Other major differences between the new /xw driver and the old are: 1. You can now resize the /xw window with the mouse. 2. You can also tell /xw where to initially place its window and what its initial size should be. To do this place a line of the following form in your ~/.Xdefaults file. pgxwin.geometry: WIDTHxHEIGHT+X+Y With the capitalized names replaced by pixel numbers. Note that the origin of the display is the top left corner, and the SUN consoles are roughly 1150 pixels wide and 880 pixels in height. X and Y denote the position of the top left corner of the /xw window. WIDTH and HEIGHT denote the size of the window excluding its border. To give you an idea, the following resource line: pgxwin.geometry: 500x500+600+33 produces a window of about 5 inches on each side, placed in the top right corner of the console. The new resource will take effect when you next start openwin. Alternatively, to see the changes immediately, type: xrdb ~/.Xdefaults at the shell prompt, and the next time that you open a /xw window, the new geometry will be used. 3. Device '/xw' now runs an external expose-event handler program, /usr/local/bin/pgxwin_client. If you don't already have /usr/local/bin in your path, you will need to add it before you can use /xw. Most people already have this in their path. One planned side-effect of this scheme is that you can suspend difmap and still have the /xw window updated when it is covered and then exposed. 4. Grey-scale monitors used to be incorrectly treated as monochrome devices. The new driver treats them correctly. 5. Previously, if you had another X program that was using a lot of colors, /xwin would revert to black and white. The new version allocates it own private colormap when this happens. 6. Iconizing the /xw window will no longer crash difmap or any other PGPLOT program. 7. If you pull down the openwin menu on a /xw window, and select the QUIT option, the /xw window ignores it. Previously this would crash PGPLOT programs, including difmap. 8. I also added XErrorEvent handling to prevent program crashes. Previously "non-fatal" X11 errors would kill PGPLOT programs. 9. When cursor input is initiated in the /xw window, the cursor is no longer stolen. Previously you could be in the middle of typing in another window, only to find the cursor unexpectedly move into the /xw window without any warning. Date: Fri, 22 Jul 94 01:58:15 PDT Subject: Difmap update I have made the following changes to difmap: 1. I have added a new command called projplot. This command is similar to radplot except that it plots data versus the UV distance projected parallel to a given position angle. Interactive control of this angle is provided, for homing in on the orientations of linear features such as jets and double sources. Projplot defaults to plotting both amplitude and phase in different sub-plots, but this is user selectable and defaults can be set in pflags, a new variable similar to vplot's vflags. The projplot command supports the same editing and range selection options as radplot. 2. In the process of writing projplot, I also modified radplot. As in projplot, radplot can now also display phases, and also has interactive control of whether the model is plotted. I have added an 'rflags' configuration variable with similar functionality to vplot's vflags. The optional domodel command-line argument is now redundant and has been removed. 3. By default, 'edmodel' now presents the whole model for editing, instead of just the variable part. The old behavior is still catered for via an optional boolean argument. 4. I have also added editing facilities to tplot. Among other things this makes it easy to edit a whole station, or a whole scan at a time. Point by point editing is not supported, but the usual 'C' and 'R' cut area and restore area facilities are. Date: Tue, 12 Jul 94 21:52:01 PDT Subject: Difmap update I have made the following minor changes to difmap: 1. For multi-IF data, selfcal now displays the overall goodness of fit instead of showing a separate value for each IF. 2. Steve Myers got me to change modelfit such that typing modelfit 0 just gives iteration zero, which does nothing to the model, but displays the current fit parameters and the reduced chi-squared. Similarly, modelfit n, now performs iterations 0 -> n instead of iterations 0 -> n-1. 3. I have added a new query function called uvstat(), that can be invoked to return the current reduced chi-squared or rms between the observed and model data, or the number of unflagged visibilities used to do these calculations. This is primarily intended for use in automatic mapping scripts. 4. Similarly I have added another query function called imstat() that returns the RMS of the current map or its mean or the theoretical noise level (RMS) estimated from the gridding weights. It can also be asked to return the beam dimensions that were estimated during the last invert. This supersedes the maprms() function, which has been removed. 5. For the gravitational lens survey Steve Myers asked to have the wmodel command write a comment line in model files to document to R.A. and Dec of the phase center to which to component position offsets are refered. I have implemented this. 6. I have changed the wtscale command so that its argument is now the required absolute value of the weight scale factor, instead of an incremental factor. An abolsute weight scale factor makes more sense if one can calculate what the real scale factor should be, based on observing details. This is usually the case with the VLA. In order that users can still change the scale factor incrementally as well, I have modified the wtscale command so that it can also be used as a function returning the current weight scale factor. 7. Finally, Dhiraj and Greg brought my attention to the fact that source coordinates (the coordinates of the phase center) reported by difmap were out by a few milliarcseconds compared to those given in the input UV FITS files. This turned out to be an error in the fifth significant digit of one of my constants. I have fixed this and also increased the precision of other contants. Date: Wed, 6 Jul 94 00:31:32 PDT Subject: Difmap changes There have been a few minor changes including one minor change with major significance (left until last below). 1. I have changed the wmodel and wwins commands, so that if you omit to give a filename or specify "" as the file name, then what would have been written to files appears on the standard output and in the log file. 2. I have added a new command called addcmp, primarily for use in automatic mapping scripts as an interface to supplying model components non-interactively for model fitting. See help on addcmp for details. 3. The select command now can be used to select multiple spectral-line channel ranges instead of just the one. See help on the select command for details. 4. **TAKE NOTE** The select command no longer has the side effect of clearing the tentative and established models. This is mainly of significance to spectral-line users. 5. **IMPORTANT** I have also removed the optional trailing 'preserve' argument of the select command, that was previously used to override the side-effect removed in (4). Unfortunately, this argument has been written to all *.par files created by the save command, so old parameter files will not run without error until this argument is removed. To this end I am providing the following two scripts. (If you don't use .par files then you can ignore the following). 1. ~mcs/new/fixpardir This script searches a given directory and its sub-directories for files with names ending in '.par'. It then checks each file to see if it contains an affected 'select' call, and if so, edits the file, removing the offending argument. If the file doesn't need fixing then the script leaves it alone. For example, to fix all *.par files in my /scr/mcs/ directory and all its sub-directories, I would type: ~mcs/new/fixpardir /scr/mcs Note that this script will not touch any file that doesn't contain the regular-expression: 'select.*, true$' so it is extremely unlikely that it will touch any other type of file that just happens to also have a .par extension. For added peace of mind, the script lists the files that it is fixing, as it fixes them. 2. ~mcs/new/fixpar. This takes the names of one or more parameter files be fixed. It also won't touch any file unless the above regexp is present. For example to fix all files in my /scr/mcs directory, but not those in its sub-directories, I would type: cd /scr/mcs ~mcs/new/fixpar *.par Date: Mon, 27 Jun 94 01:13:09 PDT Subject: Difmap changes. Changes to difmap last week included: 1. The addition of interactive editing to cpplot (the closure phase plotting command). Since closure phases are derived quantities, they can't be edited directly, so the user is given the choice of applying edits to visibilities of the reference station that closure phases are plotted for, or the baseline for which closure-phases are plotted for, or the three baselines that make up a specific triangle. The default is now for edits to be applied to visibilities of the telescope aggregate selected on the command line, [or that selected via the interactive 'T' option]. For example, if one invokes cpplot like: 0>cpplot OVRO then by default, edits are applied to visibilities of the OVRO telescope, whereas if one types: 0>cpplot OVRO-HSTK then by default, edits are applied to visibilities of the OVRO-HSTK baseline. In each case, pressing the space-bar toggles between the default edit mode and the alternate: "edit the three baselines of the selected triangle". The selected editing mode is displayed above the plot. NB. Those who have been using the new editing facilities of cpplot, note that the above behavior is new as of Sunday night. Previously the default in all cases was for edits to be applied to the three baselines of a selected triangle. To get the earlier behavior, toggle the space bar to make the mode line say "Triangle editing...". 2. When the number of plots per page is not explicitly specified on the command line, cpplot now defaults to displaying up to 5 plots per page, instead of a single plot. 3. Radplot now accepts the 'I' and 'W' options that the other plotting commands have. These allow changing the scope of edits with respect to the selected IF and spectral-line channels. 4. On Friday I realized that the way that the 'select' command averaged spectral-line channels together could potentially produce closure errors. The problem stems from using weighted means, and in discarding flagged data from averages where un-flagged visibilities exist. For this reason I have now modified the 'select' command to use unweighted means, and to include flagged visibilities in averages [the resulting average is now flagged if one or more of the constituents is flagged]. Fortunately, I don't think that any of the spectral-line data-sets that people have been processing with difmap, so far, have weights that are a function of spectral-line channel, so I doubt that this will make any difference to currently processed spectral-line data-sets. In particular, none of the OVRO data-sets that I have, show any discernable change. Date: Sat, 18 Jun 94 23:28:52 PDT Subject: Difmap changes This weeks difmap changes include: maprms: I added a maprms user function which returns the RMS flux in the latest residual or clean map. gbt,cosmic and cdf have incorporated this in the automap scripts to better determine the flux cutoff and contouring levels. scangap: (vplot, tplot, cpplot, corplot) At the meeting this week Rene suggested that I add a command to give the user control over how integrations are split into scans in the plot commands. To this end I have added a new command called 'scangap', with which you can change the gap considered to separate different scans. This may be directed at individual sub-arrays, or to all sub-arrays. mapunits: (Too many commands are affected to list them individually). Also, at the meeting it was suggested that I provide a way to change the units used to specify and label map-plane and UV-plane coordinates. I have created a command called 'mapunits' for this purpose. Initially, when difmap is started, UV coordinates are refered to, as before, in millions of wavelengths, and map coordinates in milli-arcsec. By calling the mapunits command with the name of a recognised map-plane unit (mas, arcsec or arcmin), difmap supplies an appropriate UV plane unit and thereafter accepts command arguments, labels plots and writes other output in these units. This should make things more pleasant for VLA and OVRO users. The map coordinate units used in model and window files are not affected by this change, and will continue to be milli-arcsec. Date: Sat, 11 Jun 94 02:05:58 PDT Subject: More difmap changes I have made a number of changes to Difmap this week, including: vplot: I have added a zoom option to vplot, bound to key 'Z'. With this you can interactively select a smaller plotted amplitude or phase range. To unzoom, press 'Z' twice in succession. After noticing how Tim wraps model phase lines in his vplot, I changed vplot (and cpplot) to do the same. There should now be fewer cases where a model phase that appears (to the eye) to go off the top of the plot and re-appear at the bottom (or vice versa) is actually connected by a vertical line within in the plot. cpplot: Thanks to Rene and Greg for noticing a bug in clplot in which, depending on the order in which stations were specified, the signs of the baseline phase contributions were sometime calculated incorrectly. This is now fixed. edmodel: Users using emacs as there 'edmodel' editor were leaving lots of emacs backups of temporary files around, because the name of the temporary file was different every time. I have changed edmod to open versioned files called edmod.scr in the current directory, such that only one backup will be left around. addhist: Addhist is a new command by which the user can append a new line of processing history. clrhist: Clrhist is a new command to delete the processing history of an observation. This will be useful to those producing map archives, where the processing history is unwanted. uvplot: Uvplot now displays the UV coverage of all IFs in the same plot. Previously it only displayed the sampling of the currently selected IF. Where one has multiple IFs with different center frequencies and different distributions of flagged visibilities, the result can be significantly different from displaying a single IF at a time. I have also added a zoom option to uvplot, which is used in the same manner as the zoom option of mapplot. Likewise, it is bound to the 'Z' key. When uvplot starts, no telescope is highlighted until 'n' is pressed, or 't' is used to select a telescope. After this point it used to be impossible to return to having no telescope highlighted without restarting uvplot. Now, if you press 'p' to highlight the previous telescope when at the start of the first sub-array, uvplot reverts to having no highlighted telescope. radplot: Radplot also now displays and allows editing of all IFs in the same plot. As with uvplot, I have also allowed one to revert to having no telescope highlighted. Tomorrow I plan to add a zoom option to radplot, if only to make it consistent with the other plotting commands. peakwin: When I wrote peakwin, I decided that it should place windows around the pixel having the maximum "absolute" flux. Chris and Greg said that this was not the behavior that they expected, so I have changed peakwin to default to placing windows around the pixel having the maximum signed flux. To make this command still useful for people mapping absorption features in spectral-line data, I have added an optional second argument to peakwin through which the older behavior can still be requested. Date: Fri, 3 Jun 94 18:38:33 PDT Subject: Difmap update Due to the unpopularity of the name clsplot for the new closure-phase plotting command, I have changed it cpplot (Closure-Phase-Plot). If I ever write a closure amplitude plot command, it will then be called caplot. I have also changed radplt to radplot so that all plotting commands now consistently end in 'plot', ie. vplot, radplot, uvplot, corplot, mapplot, cpplot, tplot Since nobody objected I have also rebound the 'Z' key of vplot to 'K' so that I can go ahead and add the zoom feature to vplot over the weekend. I have also fixed a bug that Greg noticed in the difmap 'uvaver' command. When the scatter option was used, the estimated errors came out too large. It turned out that I was calculating the variance of the data sample instead of the variance of the sample mean. Date: Fri, 3 Jun 94 01:01:43 PDT Subject: Closure phase plotting in difmap I have added a new command to difmap to allow you to interactively plot closure phases. The new command is called clsplot. Currently it takes two command line arguments: A specification of the closure triangles to plot, and the number of plots per page. Examples are: 0> clsplot OVRO,5 This plots closure phases for all unique triangles of OVRO, at 5 plots per page. 0> clsplot OVRO-NRAO,3 This plots closure phases for all unique triangles that contain baseline OVRO-NRAO, at 3 plots per page. 0> clsplot OVRO-NRAO-HSTK This plots closure phases for the single triangle OVRO-NRAO-HSTK at one plot per page. 0> clsplot 2:OVRO-NRAO-HSTK This plots the same triangle as the previous example but for the second sub-array instead of the default first sub-array. Once clsplot has been invoked, the cursor options are similar to those of vplot, with the notable exception of editing options. The 'T' option may be employed to enter a new triangle description, such as those in the examples above. By default clsplot displays closure phases over the range -180 to 180 degrees. This may be changed by zooming in on a narrower range, similar to how one selects a narrower UT range. For the moment I have chosen to use the 'Z' key for this. Maplot currently also uses Z for a similar purpose, but unfortunaetely vplot uses Z to mean zap a given scan/baseline. If nobody has any extreme objections I would like to re-bind the zap command of vplot to another key (K for kill pane?), so that I can add a Zoom option to vplot. Date: Wed, 25 May 94 01:27:09 PDT Subject: Difmap changes By popular demand I have modified radplot to allow flagging user selected rectangular areas. This has the same usage as the similar option in difmap's vplot command. As in vplot, it is initiated by pressing 'c', and then opposite corners of the selected area are sequentially set by pressing the left mouse button over two positions in the plot. Note that this feature should be used sparingly. Station based inspection and editing in vplot is preferable. The new feature probably has the most utility in removing swarms of drop-outs. Date: Tue, 24 May 94 01:21:30 PDT Subject: Difmap changes I have made some significant additions to the difmap mapplot command. 1. It is now no longer necessary to explicitly tell mapplot on the command line to overlay a symbolic display of the model components on the map. Within mapplot you can now toggle whether the model components are plotted with the 'm' key. The upper-case version of this key toggles plotting of just the variable components of the current models. Also, previously telling mapplot to plot the model components caused it to establish the latest-clean-model, meaning that the next time the map was required it would be re-inverted. This no longer occurs. 2. I have added an option to allow the user to interactively add new delta, and gaussian components with the cursor for use in subsequent model fitting. 3. I have also made it possible to interactively delete selected components via the cursor. Selecting components to be deleted requires knowledge of where the center of the components lie. To this end I have modified the representation of gaussian components to include the major and minor axis lines. 4. I have arranged that components with variable components appear distinct from fixed components by displaying them in yellow instead of green. 5. I have removed the 'L' "logarithmic transfer function" option since it was ill conceived and didn't do what I originally meant it to. The above changes required a long overdue change to the way that the latest-clean-model (now renamed the tentative model, since its context has now been broadened to include modelfit variable models) is handled. As a result a number of informational messages have changed. I have updated the mapplot help file to reflect the new options. I have also finally gotten around to writing the help file for the modelfit command. Date: Wed, 18 May 94 00:42:51 PDT Subject: General difmap updates. It is probably about time that I started keeping the whole group up to date about changes to the "new" FITS version of difmap. For those who aren't aware of its existence, note that (except on kronos) to avoid conflicts with the merge file version in /usr/local/vlb/difmap, the new FITS version is currently in: ~mcs/new/difmap At some point the merge file version should be renamed and the FITS version installed as the default. Todays changes -------------- I have added a new command called 'edmodel' to ~mcs/new/difmap. This invokes an external editor on the variable part of the accumulated model, allowing one to edit the values and constraints of individual model component parameters. The editor invoked is by default 'vi', but may be changed by assigning the path of one's favorite editor to the EDITOR environment variable. I personally have this set to emacs via the following statement in my .login file: setenv EDITOR emacs I have also tidied up the model files written by wmodel in difmap, including the addition of column headings. This also effects the displayed model parameters shown by the new difmap 'modelfit' and 'edmodel' commands since they all invoke the same function. Coming soon ----------- In addition to the edmodel command I intend to modify maplot to allow one to set new components and delete old ones interactively with the cursor. Date: Thu, 12 May 94 03:12:20 PDT Subject: modelfit I have changed what the difmap modelfit command displays as it iterates. At each iteration, it now displays reduced chi-squared, as we agreed. In the preamble to the 0th iteration it also shows the details of how this was obtained from the true chi-squared, so you can calculate the latter if required. I have also changed modelfit to only display the values of the best-fit parameters on sucessful iterations (those that decrease chi-squared). Previously it always showed the best-fit parameters and chi-squared from the last successful iteration, and you had to look closely to see if anything had changed to determine if further minimization had occured. Now, when an iteration fails to reduce chi-squared, modelfit displays just the reduced chi-squared of the failed fit. This diagnostic is useful because its behavior can be used to predict whether there is any point in further iterations. I have also now made the output of modelfit appear in the log file. I trust that this was wanted? I have also changed the model file reader to be more pedantic and explicit in its error detection and messages, and fixed the bug that you turned up. The reader will now complain and abort if there are more than 7 (uncommented) fields on a line. It will also complain and abort if anything else un-expected appears without a preceding comment character '!'. Previously it just ignored anything following unexpected input without even generating a warning message. Now if you give it a FITS file by mistake it will abort on the first line. Date: Fri, 11 Mar 94 03:57:30 PST Subject: More FITS difmap changes I have changed the behaviour of the new FITS version of difmap so that when clean windows, clean models and UV data are written to disk, any accumulated position offsets introduced by the 'shift' command are quietly removed on-the-fly. Similarly, when clean window files and clean model files are read into difmap any accumulated shifts that have been added to the data are also applied to the newly read windows and model components. If any shifts have been accumulated when the save command is invoked, then the save command puts the appropriate 'shift' command in the .par file so that the shift is reinstated when the .par script is next run. In the old merge-file version of difmap all data, clean windows and clean models retained any accumulated shifts when written to disk. This had the danger of one's loosing the relative position in the primary beam, and of compromising the accuracy of the RA and DEC recorded in the header. Also, reading windows and models instated these quantities relative to the current map center, regardless of accumulated position offsets. I also have put together an automatic mapping script which may be adequate for Steve's needs. I have only tried it on the one data file that I have from Steve, but it produced an acceptable map without any intervention from me (apart from setting configuration parameters). Date: Thu, 10 Mar 94 01:15:06 PST Subject: Updated FITS difmap I have added two new commands and one function to the FITS version of difmap. 1. unshift This removes any accumulated position shifts from the data, CLEAN windows and model(s). 2. peakwin Peakwin looks at the position of the pixel with the highest absolute flux in the residual map, and if it is not already enclosed in a CLEAN window, adds a new CLEAN window centered on that pixel. The added CLEAN window has the dimensions of the rectangle that just encloses the displayed aspect of the CLEAN beam. The beam dimensions used are those estimated when the beam was last inverted. 3. peak() This is a function that returns the flux or X-axis position or Y-axis position of the pixel, in the latest residual or clean map, that has the min or max or max absolute flux. It takes one mandatory and one optional argument. Both are literal strings giving the names of the items required. For example: To return the flux of the pixel with the max absolute flux in the map: 0>print peak(flux) To print the X-axis position of the pixel with the lowest (most -ve) flux in the map: 0>print peak(x,min) I hope that these commands will be sufficient for trying out automatic mapping schemes. Hopefully Steve and I can throw something together tomorrow.