Input File Options

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Input File Options

In all XRONOS applications up to 10 INPUT FILE OPTIONS can be specified for each input file. Options are specified in the same string in which each input filename is given and consist of 2 characters followed, in most cases, by a numerical constant containing up to 8 characters. Available options are (X indicates the numerical constant):

Options below are applied in the same order in which they are specified:

For example suppose that you want to shift the times of file file1.rbf by -3.256 days and correct file file2.rbf to barycentric times and subtract a constant of 13.2 from the data. If using the Question/Answer user interface instead of simply replying filenames you should enter:

lc1> Ser. 1 filename   1 +options[.rbf]=> file1.rbf st-3.256
lc1> Ser. 1 filename   2 +options[.rbf]=> file2.rbf bt sd13.2
Otherwise if using the data command you should enter:

[n]Xronos> data file1.rbf st-3.256,file2.rbf bt sd13.2

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Lorella Angelini
Thu 12 Oct 16:35:19 1995