Walk through

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Walk through

In this section we run through a fictitious XRONOS session to illustrate some of the commands and their usage in the various user interfaces. The input files required for this session are distributed together with XRONOS and can be found in the xanadu:[xronos.tut] directory. Startup up XRONOS on your machine in the above directory by typing xronos from the operating system prompt. You will see a banner giving useful information, followed by the XRONOS prompt:

Welcome to Xronos                        5-JUL-1992 18:07:40     V. 3.00 Jul 92
                                                    Type "help" for information
The number in square brackets identifies each of the XRONOS commands that you enter. (The command recall followed by n will execute again the n-th command.)

If a default plot device is not yet defined for your session, or if you need to change it, type cpd (change plot device):

[1]Xronos> cpd
Current plot device is /HQ2393
Device names are preceded by a slash
e.g. /te for tektronics
Enter plot device [? for a list]:
If you reply ? to the question above you will see the list of available PGPLOT devices and you will be asked again for one:

Enter plot device [? for a list]: ?
%PGPLOT, Copyright 1989 California Institute of Technology
%PGPLOT, Legal PGPLOT device types are:
%PGPLOT, /GF (GraphOn)     /GRINNELL         /GTERM            /HIDMP
%PGPLOT, /HQ2393           /IKON             /NULL             /PAINTJET
%PGPLOT, /PS               /PRINTRONIX       /RETRO            /TEK4010
%PGPLOT, /TFILE            /VERSATEC         /VPS              /VT125
%PGPLOT, /VVERSATEC        /WS1              /X11 (Landscape)
Graphics device/type (? to see list): /vt125

Lorella Angelini
Thu 12 Oct 16:35:19 1995