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To plot a QDP file (Application). Type:

[n]Xronos> qdp/qualifier(s) [n]
In particular:

[n]Xronos> qdp/lc1               !plot last QDP file created with command `lc1`
                                  for series A. The same syntax is used for QDP
                                  files created with other Xronos commands
[n]Xronos> qdp/lc1 n             !as above but for series n=A,B,C
[n]Xronos> qdp/file=qdpfile      !plot QDP file `qdpfile.qdp`
[n]Xronos> qdp/file=qdpfile.qlc1 !plot QDP file `qdpfile.qlc1`
[n]Xronos> qdp/file=qdpfile/lc1  !plot QDP file `qdpfile.qlc1`
[n]Xronos> qdp/?                 !list allowed qualifiers

Lorella Angelini
Thu 12 Oct 16:35:19 1995