Rebin Results

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Rebin Results

The results of the analysis of individual frames can be rebinned either with a constant rebinning factor or with a geometrical series rebinning, which is useful to produce nearly equispaced bins in a log x representation. To specify the rebinning answer the following question:

psd> Rebin results ? { >1= const. rebin,
     <-1= geom. reb, 0= no reb}[   0.00]=>
The default (0) is not to rebin the results. Values greater than 1 indicate a constant rebinning factor. The geometrical series rebinning is specified by entering a value less than -1, whose modulus represents the step of the geometrical series used to calculate a varying rebinning factor. Values between -1.4 and -1.2 are adequate in most cases.

Lorella Angelini
Thu 12 Oct 16:35:19 1995