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Most XRONOS applications create a XRONOS QDP File containing the results of the analysis carried out with a XRONOS application. These files have a .qXXX extension, where XXX is the relevant XRONOS application (e.g. files created with application psd have extension .qpsd), and contain the results from ONE Frame only. Plotting within XRONOS is performed through QDP/PLT by using the interface provided by these files. By default XRONOS applications plot results from one frame automatically and return either to the execution of the rest of the analysis (if any) or to the XRONOS prompt. Alternatively, by replying interactive to the relevant question in the question/answer user interfaces or by using the /plt qualifier in the command-driven user interface, the user is left in the interactive plotting mode (PLT> prompt) to allow customisation of the plot. A number of other plot options can be specified by replying to the relevant questions in the question/answer user interfaces, or by using dedicated qualifiers in the command-driven user interface. In particular, a stack of QDP/PLT commands written in a file can be applied to each plot. The plot device to be used is set at the beginning of a XRONOS session or by using the command cpd (change plot device) from the XRONOS prompt.

Lorella Angelini
Thu 12 Oct 16:35:19 1995