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Rename a command string to an alias name. Type:

[n]Xronos> alias[/qualifier] [name] [command_string]
Only one qualifier is allowed. name specifies the new name, command_string is that to be renamed. If the command string contains blanks, it must be enclosed in double quotes.

To execute an alias enter its name: any other character following will be appended after the command string. Moreover:

[n]Xronos> alias name cmd_string  !store command `cmd_string` as `name`
[n]Xronos> alias/previous name    !store previously executed command as `name`
[n]Xronos> alias/delete name      !delete `name` from the list of aliases
[n]Xronos> alias/show             !list available aliases
[n]Xronos> alias/show c*          !list available aliases beginning with `c`
[n]Xronos> alias/show name        !show command_string corresponding to `name`
[n]Xronos> alias/?                !list allowed qualifiers
There are system-defined and user-defined aliases. The former are useful aliases provided for all users. If the qualifier /system or /user is given in connection with /show, then only those aliases are listed. User-defined aliases are stored in the file xronos.udc kept in the user's root directory. System defined aliases are entered by adding the /system qualifier (system managers only). There is currently a limit of 100 system and 100 user aliases.

Lorella Angelini
Thu 12 Oct 16:35:19 1995