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To write input file(s) in ASCII (application)

Application asc converts one or more input files to an ASCII file. It requires one input series. It is run in the Question/Answer user interface by typing:

[n]Xronos> asc
in the Partial Question/Answer user interface by typing:

[n]Xronos> asc [series1]
and in the Command-Driven user interface by typing:

[n]Xronos> asc[/qualifier1/qual2/... etc]  [series1]

More on asc

The ASCII output file produced by application asc has a default extension .txt and cannot be used as input to any XRONOS application. If the specified file already exists the output is appended at the end of the file. Note that any lg file option specified through global parameters number 2 and 3 is ignored by asc.


Besides the file header the ASCII files produced by asc contain 7 columns for each bin; these are (data gaps are not output):

Lorella Angelini
Thu 12 Oct 16:35:19 1995