Application Specific Qualifiers

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Application Specific Qualifiers

A number of XRONOS qualifiers are specific to a single application or a group of applications. Below is a description of each of these qualifiers:


List POINTS in input file(s) (application: lda)

List on the screen all points contained in input file(s). To interrupt the listing type cntl Y (VMS) or cntl C (UNIX)


NO POINTS written to the ASCII file (application: asc)

To write to the output ASCII file only the header information of input file(s) and no data points.


To specify Time UNITs for time axis (applications: lc1,lc2,lc3)

Four time axis units are available for plotting light curves:


To plot SUM of series 1 AND 2 and HarDNesS (series 2/series1 ) vs. time (applications lc2), or vs. phase (applications ef2)


To plot HarDNesS vs. sum of series 1 and 2 (applications: lc2,ef2).


To plot HarDNesS vs. series 1 (applications: lc2,ef2).


To plot HarDNesS vs. series 2 (applications: lc2,ef2).


To plot Light Curves vs. time ONLY when more than one series is used (applications: lc2,ef2,lc3,ef3)


To plot COLOUR-COLOUR diagram (applications: lc3,ef3).

The two hardness ratios (two colours: series 2/series 1 and series 3/series 2) are plotted one versus the other.


PERIOD to be used in epoch folding (applications: ef1,ef2,ef3,efs).

The period can be input in two formats: a positive value (X>0) implies that the period is given in seconds, a negative value (X<0) means that the period is given in days.


Number of PHASE BINS in epoch folding (applications: ef1,ef2,ef3,efs).

The number of phase bins in a folded period, together with the period, determines the duration of a phase bin which, for epoch folding, is the equivalent of the newbin duration.


EPOCH of zero phase in days (X=real) (applications: ef1,ef2,ef3).

Epoch to be used as zero phase in folding. X must be given in days.


Number of individual Folded Light Curves to be AVeraged (application: ef1, ef2, ef3, efs).

Folded light curves from I different intervals are averaged to produce the folded light curve of a frame.


To have EACH Folded Light Curve in one frame (applications: ef1,ef2,ef3, efs).

A frame will consist only of the folded light curve of one interval. This is equivalent to /navflc=1.


RESOLUTION for period search (application: efs).

The period resolutions is the spacing between two contiguous periods in the search: the default is half Fourier resolution in the interval (i.e. P*P/T(i)/2, where P is the trial period and T(i) the interval duration). If this is used a coherent periodicity will appear as a 1-2 bin broad peak in the chi-square vs. period plot. The resolution X should be given in the same units (seconds or days) used to for the period.


Number of PERIODS in the search (application: efs)

The default number of trial periods in the search is 128, but the number should be kept as small as possible in order to limit the execution time.


Number of AVeraged Power Spectral Densities in a frame (applications: psd, pss)

I specifies the number of individual power spectra (each from one interval) which should be averaged to produce the power spectrum of a frame.


To have EACH Power Spectral Density in one frame (applications: psd,pss)

A frame will consist only of the power spectrum of one interval. This is equivalent to /navpsd=1.


To REBIN in frequency the Power Spectral Density (applications: psd,pss)

The power spectrum from each frame can be rebinned either with a constant rebinning factor or with a geometrical series rebinning which is useful to produce nearly equispaced bins in a log(freq) representation.

The error bars are always propagated in the rebinning process, independently of the way in which they are calculated before rebinning.


LOG REBINning of Power Spectral Density (applications: psd, pss).

To rebin logarithmically with a step that produces 1/4 octave spacing. This is equivalent to /rebinpsd=-1.19.


Number of AVeraged Auto Correlation Functions in a frame (applications: acf, acs)

I specifies the number of individual auto correlation functions (each from one interval) which should be averaged to produce the auto correlation function of a frame.


To have EACH Auto Correlation Function in one frame (applications: acf,acs)

A frame will consist only of the auto correlation function of one interval. This is equivalent to /navacf=1.


To REBIN in time delay the Auto Correlation Function (applications:acf,acs)

The auto correlation from each frame can be rebinned either with a constant rebinning factor or with a geometrical series rebinning which is useful to produce nearly equispaced bins in a log(tau) representation.

The error bars are always propagated in the rebinning process, independently of the way in which they are calculated before rebinning.


LOG REBINning of Auto Correlation Function (applications: acf, acs).

To rebin logarithmically in time delay. This is equivalent to /rebinacf=-1.19


Number of AVeraged Cross Correlation Functions in a frame (applications: ccf, ccs)

I specifies the number of individual cross correlation functions (each from one interval) which should be averaged to produce the cross correlation function of a frame.


To have EACH Cross Correlation Function in one frame (applications:ccf,ccs)

A frame will consist only of the cross correlation function of one interval. This is equivalent to /navccf=1.


Number of AVeraged Time Skewness Functions in a frame (application: tsf)

I specifies the number of individual time skewness functions (each from one interval) which should be averaged to produce the time skewness function of a frame.


To have EACH Time Skewness Function in one frame (application: tsf)

A frame will consist only of the time skewness function of one interval. This is equivalent to /navtsf=1.


To REBIN in time delay the Time Skewness Function (applications:tsf)

The time skewness function from each frame can be rebinned either with a constant rebinning factor or with a geometrical series rebinning which is useful to produce nearly equispaced bins in a log(tau) representation.

The error bars are always propagated in the rebinning process, independently of the way in which they are calculated before rebinning.


LOG REBINning of Time Skewness Function (application: tsf).

To rebin logarithmically in time delay. This is equivalent to /rebintsf=-1.19

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Lorella Angelini
Thu 12 Oct 16:35:19 1995